Narcissistic Abuse Recovery With Susie

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A narcissistic abuse recovery Expert You Can Trust

Providing comprehensive, compassionate care to help you navigate narcissistic abuse in your relationship, and heal from the aftermath.

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 Imagine this…

A life where you no longer have to walk on eggshells. A life where you can create distance between yourself and your abuser and finally start to heal. A life where you can create boundaries to protect yourself from further abuse. A life where you can show up more rested and focused on what is in front of you. A life where you can parent your children in a space of peace as opposed to chaos and stress and where you can start building a life you love to live. It IS possible and I want this for YOU! Work with me today for narcissistic abuse recovery support.

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Coaching Services

My coaching services are designed to support you no matter where you are at in navigating narcissistic abuse in your relationship. Whether you are still in it, recently out and finding your footing, or further down the path towards healing, I am here to support you along the way. I have been in your shoes, so I can understand how finding a way to move through or move forward following narcissistic abuse can be daunting. Narcissistic abuse doesn’t leave physical scars, but it can be as emotionally damaging if not more so than physical abuse. It is hard to know who to trust, where to go for help, or if the healing journey even has an end.

Through my personalized approach, I support clients in recognizing patterns in their relationships to gain clarity, build resilience, strengthen boundaries, and create a safe space to heal. Services are available both in the Chicago area and through Zoom.

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About Susie and Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Coaching

As a survivor of narcissistic abuse and domestic violence, I started my practice to provide personalized coaching to support those who are in or exiting narcissistic relationships, as well as individuals further down the path towards healing. I am passionate about helping people who are in abusive relationships to break free from their abuse and find healing. Work with me, a certified Trauma Recovery Coach, today and start building a life you love to live.

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The Benefits of Coaching for Those Experiencing Narcissistic Abuse

If you've never considered coaching before, you might be unsure of the benefits that a coaching experience could bring you. Here are just a few of the ways that working with me can help you on your healing journey:

  • Gain validation for what you’ve been experiencing

  • Learn effective boundaries

  • Help to identify patterns in relationships and gain clarity

  • Build resilience while learning healthy coping strategies

  • Create relationship exit strategies, if desired

  • Build skills to effectively coparent with a narcissist if you share children

  • Create deep emotional healing after narcissistic abuse

  • Find a safe space to heal, grow, and develop

  • Reclaim your life from the past trauma.

Ready to schedule an appointment? I am now accepting new clients!