
Nurturing After Narcissism Coming Soon

But how will I protect my kids?!

You likely asked yourself this question when you started down the path of divorcing your narcissistic spouse. It is also probably the number one concern that kept you in the relationship for as long as you were, despite the narcissistic abuse you were experiencing.

Divorcing a narcissist and attempting to co-parent with a narcissist can feel like walking through fire. You feel skeptical that anything will work to keep the situation civil. You have experienced the narcissist’s tactics and know how manipulative they can be. Because of this, it is normal to feel a sense of powerlessness and hopelessness when thinking about how your children will be impacted.

Introducing...Nurturing After Narcissism: Raising Thriving & Resilient Children After Divorcing a Narcissist

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There is hope…

A 2015 Harvard’s Center on the Developing Child study concluded, “Every child who winds up doing well has had at least one stable and committed relationship with a supportive adult.”

Yes, that’s right, children just need ONE stable and supportive person in their life, and you get to be that person. You get to be the “safe parent.”

You may be wondering, “OK, so HOW do I actually do that?!”

That is the purpose of this book.

By reading this book, you will:

  • Clearly understand how to heal from narcissistic abuse so that you can be a safe and stable parent for your children.

  • Know how to co-parent in a way that protects your peace and sanity, while still maintaining an appropriate level of communication with your ex (also known as Parallel Parenting).

  • Gain insight into how narcissistic parenting can impact children, what signs to look for, and practical ways to counteract the narcissistic family structure while the kids are in your care.

  • Understand how to create a safe haven for your children so they can build resilience, learn to set boundaries, and make sense of the confusion that narcissistic parenting causes.

  • Gain confidence around how much is actually in your control when it comes to parenting your kids with a narcissist.

  • Prevent a lot of turmoil for both you and your children - presently and in the future.

AND Be able to help your Children have:

  • Healthier relationships

  • Better emotional regulation

  • Less mental and physical health consequences

  • Healthy self-esteem and self-image

  • Balanced lives

  • Better lives

How amazing is that?!

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About the Author

Susie is an author and trauma recovery coach specializing in narcissistic abuse. She works with people who have been affected by narcissistic abuse - both in relationships and at the hands of a parent. Susie is a public speaker and content creator on her YouTube channel @susiemillerwendel, where she creates videos about narcissistic abuse, single-parent life, and trauma recovery.

It was her lived experiences and working with clients who were raised by a narcissistic parent that inspired her to write Nurturing After Narcissism. Susie hopes that this book helps parents who are affected by narcissistic abuse and their children lead more peaceful, happier lives.

Work One-on-One with Me

Let's get you scheduled and start you on your healing path!

Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Consultation (1 hour @ $100). In this 60-minute session, we will take a look at where you currently are, where you would like to be at the end of coaching, and if we are a good fit to work together. If you decide you would like to move forward, we will determine the frequency that suits you and your situation the best.

Click here for available times.

Have questions you would like answered before jumping in? Feel free to contact me here.

I can't wait to talk to you!